A home day

My pre-children self would not approve of a child on the worksurface when cooking, however, sometime we roll with what works! 

A lovely day with the boys. I had a run this morning, boys were up when I got home, youngest was awake before the eldest (this is newsworthy, and he was very proud of his early waking). 

I've managed to get a heap of jobs done (and a heap still to do), and give the boys lots of time.  We've played, baked, cooked, washed sand and rocks for the fish tank - and put it all in, as we needed more, sent clothes back to Boden (I managed to double order), posted a passport and been to the park. And the boys have played really nicely in their little pretend world, I love hearing the running commentary as they play and the characters in their world. 

Christmas decorations are down. House feels bare, and cleansed at the same time.

Water everywhere, the cleaner couldn't come as she can't get out of her village, our local 'big road's flooded and fields & parks are under water. 

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