Keith B

By keibr

Interesting Weather

As I sit here writing today's blip I feel the house shaking slightly as Rikard goes by, clearing away the last two days' snow from our driveway. Yes, it is still snowing, and today's blip shows snow on the branches of the big birch tree where we park our camper van and car - nature doing art!
I just checked and we've had snow for 10 days running. It seems we are going to get at least another two days before this very unusual run of snowy days comes to an end.
We feel this is fairly newsworthy but only the local paper agrees, though the weather has been on the Swedish news today.
In the far south gale-force winds and snow have caused "traffic chaos" or should that be "snow chaos". Lorries have skidded half off the road and left it blocked. There are queues that have been stuck since 11 this morning and have progressed 100 meters in that time. Apparently they could be there all night. Fortunately it isn't too cold, between zero and -4°C. (I suspect the far south of Sweden is only slightly more prepared for snow than the UK is.)
Meanwhile in the north of Sweden it is very cold, between minus 30 and minus 40°C, with the lowest temperature last night being -43.6°C. It's 25 years since it was last that cold in Sweden! Trains and busses have been cancelled because if they break down people could freeze to death before help arrives.
So we are happy to be sitting in a relatively okay -14°C with a steady drift of gently falling snow.
Meanwhile Storm Henk is making for interesting weather in the UK.
There seems to have been a lot of interesting weather in the last few months.
The extra picture (now on flickr) was taken while we took a short walk just outside the village. Our local snowy road and the big farm house.

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