At Last!

You would not believe how long Mrs W and I have been trying to get a decent shot of our visiting buzzard.  He/she is usually to far away, or disappears before we can get the telephoto lens on.  Much the same happened this morning, but he/she made a return and plodded about in the field about seventy or eighty metres away.  Even at 600mm the shot is heavily cropped. 
At extra is a shot of him/her sitting on a neighbour’s fence post at about the same distance.
Biskit sitting was called of at the eleventh hour this morning as the roads are flooded and the daughter’s boss told her to work from home, so I’ll just be pottering about today.
I see that today's WidWed theme is nature.  Well even if these shots are the anti-wide-angle (or even anti-wide-angel) of photography I’ll dedicate the extra to the cause . . .    Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.

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