One only

I only took one photo today so there was no other choice for a blip. We've taken down / put away all the indoor decs. lights, tree, nativity sets etc. There was no chance of us doing the outside lights as it has chucked down the whole day - again! Looking at other parts of the country, though, we are lucky. Some places have floods flooded, trees down, and other storm damage.
Had my phone call from the Clinician at Pulmonary Rehab this afternoon and I'm off to see them on the 11th for an hour's session. 
Terry still hasn't heard a thing about getting his hip replacement done and the pain is even worse now, and his foot is going numb. Soul-destroying.
Hoping to get out for a bit of a walk tomorrow but not a big one as going geocaching on Thursday and don't want to wear myself out before that!

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