Still New Years day - sort of!

I could have stayed in bed ALL DAY ... but I did not.
But I did not do much at all.

Connected with friends, did Yoga, rested.

Neil and I went out for a coffee just before 4 pm in order to find out that basically all coffee shops were closed - and those that were open closed at 4:30 pm and did not really want us in ....

We ended up to find a coffee at One Shot - they did not worry about opening until 6 pm.

Glasgow was quiet - pubs however were open and busy.

Blipping The Bakehouse - I am wondering why it is called "the Bakehouse" and I am also wondering what it was before ...... I think this incarnation is pretty young ...

Looking forward to some food now before more relaxing on the couch 

PS. looked it up: The Bakehouse, previously known as The Crafty Pig, takes its new name from the history of the site where Walter Hubbard’s bakery and tearoom once stood in the early 20th century.

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