Irish Marsh orchid...
... I think! Like a swarm of little spotty purple bees.
It's the Solstice, wading around (carefully) in wildflowers seems appropriate. This little headland is a haven for all kinds of interesting things - several species of orchid, yellow rattle, field scabious, sea campion. You have to be a bold to get to it as the farmer has fenced it off, so squeezing through wire is necessary - but there is a human shaped bulge in the wiring so I'm not the first. Technically I think shoreline belongs to everyone. There can be bad cattle in here too but today it was just me and a swan still sitting on her nest - surely too late for anything to be happening.
It was the leaving service today, 5 young people off into the world - not many dry eyes. This was followed by tea and buns and the rain kindly held off - it's now lashing.
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