Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Iceland Day 2 - Whale Watching

After breakfast overlooking the lake it was time to join the other "Puffins" on our tour bus and head to Husavik to go on a Whale watching trip. We were lucky to be first on the traditional Oak boat and got a great position up at the front of the boat. During our three hour trip we were lucky enough to see Minke Whales and several Humpback Whales close up along with some puffins. It was fantastic. Towards the end of the tour we headed up to the top lookout where with his polarizing sunglasses The Boy could spot the Whales as they came up to the surface! There were other great shots I could have used for today but I had to go with the Whale shot.

With such a large group of us, lunch was split into two shifts, being in the later one we headed to the Whale Museum to kill some time. After lunch we headed off to see some local sights.

First off we visited some boiling mud pools at Hamafjall Hverir (I think). The landscape seemed almost alien and the steaming pools and rock piles smelt strongly of sulphur. From here we headed to a Bird museum that had stuffed versions of all the birds in the region (except one).

Our final (and longest) stop of the day was at Hverfjall. Before even beginning our marathon we were hiking up a volcanic explosion crater. The way up was a little steep and uneasy under foot in places as we were walking on loose ash and fine gravel. The views from the top were stunning. The route down was even more fun, an almost vertical route that had to be roped off and traverse in short back and forward slalom style routes for half the length before a straight route that could be almost skied down as the ash moved underfoot. We then had a beautiful walk through a lava field and woodland at Dimmuborgir . It was stunning and as you saw the faces appear in the rock structures you could see why the Icelandic people believe in Trolls and hidden people.

We were late back to the hotel for dinner but it was worth it. We then had an early night as we had a day full of activities before the marathon on Saturday!

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