Mrs Beacon what we called Mum when we saw this poster behind her bed :) She still was not in a good way - terrible headache and pain in her shoulder, and still a bit nauseous. She didn't really open her eyes while we were there, but she was definitely more with it, and we actually ended up having a proper giggle with her. Everyone still at a loss as to the cause of her symptoms but she's being checked over for everything and is clearly in the right place. She was moved up to AMU while we were there, and we sat with her until she fell asleep.

My brother and nephew were due to go and visit her after my sister and me, but they had a terrible journey from Kent, culminating in a puncture about 25 miles from my Mum's. As a result, they gave up on the hospital plan and arrived at Mum's not long before 10pm. My sister came over and we all had a much needed drink - then she ran home to see the new year in with my brother-in-law. F***ing weird NYE! Pardon my French.

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