The Eyes and The Hibiscus Hair

I was out and about today and drove past this street art which caught my eye. I did a U turn and came back as it looked fantastic : ). 
Totally forgot it was Tiny Tuesday, the days are blurring together!

We were up and out early for the morning walk and I did want to look at the damage from the fire. We havent done the morning walk since before xmas so Toto was very happy to be off!   
I’ve put a shot of some of the fire damage in the collage in extras. I  couldnt get close to the rest of it but a lot of trees are badly damaged.
We moved onto the little park next to the lake to see what had happened there and a lot of the trees are damaged and parts of the fence are burned away. 
Anyway the wind was picking up as we mooched around there and then I saw some smoke appear near the burnt fence. At first I thought it was just ash blowing but pretty quickly there were some little flames licking around a fence post and then another spot started up and I suddenly realised I’d have to call the Fire Brigade!!   
They arrived within five minutes and were very thankful that I’d called, and said that they’d been back there last night for a similar thing.  The layers of leaves are quite deep and the fire has been smouldering underneath.  They put quite a lot of water down this time thank goodness!! 

Also in the collage is a couple of shots of a fascinating tree that I saw near the Hibiscus girl, I’m calling it a powder puff tree because I’ve never seen one before : ). Also there is some lovely red gum tree flowers just to top it all off!!  Nice to have lots of extras for the New Year : )

Whew what a day!! : )

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