
By soozsnapz


It stopped raining for a little while this morning, so I went out for a walk in nearby streets, a similar route to during lockdown. Lots of people out and about, everyone seemed to be smiling and saying hello. I met an elderly man outside the nearby school - I was taking a photo of the hedge, as you do:) he asked me if I had any connection to the school, and I told him my son went there. Turns out he went there too - I reckon he was nearly 80. We had a really long chat. His memories of 70+ years ago, and mine of 35 years ago made enough connections. It was lovely. 
I was looking on my walk for this seasons growth and colour.  Not for things left over from last year, like roses still out, or berries from the autumn. And I found lots of things, so I made a collage 

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