I only have eyes for you


For some bizarre reason, we have both had the jitters this week about 'us'.
His tour is fast approaching (less than 3 weeks now) and I worry he won't miss me half as much as I will miss him (though to be fair, he will have work to distract him). It will be hard as it will be the longest time we've ever been apart.
His jitters are slightly more complicated, but completely unfounded from my humble point of view.
I wish he could see himself through my eyes (hence the blip!), as to me, he's the not only the apple of my eye, but the centre of my universe, the sun, moon, stars & everything in between.
I feel complete with him; I wasn't sure what I was looking for when I was single, but I feel like I found it with him.
Neither of us are perfect but we are perfect for each other and that's all that matters to me.
I love you Mr A xxxxx

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