Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Caerketton Craigs and the T-Wood

Another nice day. the gritters had been out early doors, but it wasn't cold enough for frost. After some housework, I went for a wee daunder around the park. the sunlight was very yellow.

After lunch partner and I went for our Sunday constitutional to Swanston. Not in sunshine, as the sun s too low in the sky, and doesn't rise above the Pentland Hills, as can be seen in the blip of Caerketton Hill, the Craigs forming the steep north facing slope of the hill. Extra 1 shows a group of people who have climbed the steep slope, and will therefore be able to see the sun, and seem to be swirling their coats around in celebration. Extra 2 of birds on telephone wires, 3 of whom flew off at the sight of the camera, closely followed by 9 others as soon as my partner got out her phone in an attempt to capture the same image. Extra 3 shows one of the Swanston deer.

No offspring in the house for Hogmanay, so partner and I had a nice evening meal. then we saw in the bells with Hootenanny.

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