Saying Goodbye to 2023!

As we gathered on this final Sunday of 2023, we enjoyed the mostly clear blue skies and the forecast of 70 degrees before the day's end, as we started our service with a song of congregational praise followed by the welcome by Pastor Wes.  Since the choir and orchestra had the day off, the Chambers family blessed us with a beautiful song about how Christ came to mend our broken world, "Oh, Come, All You Unfaithful".  After their song, the congregation lifted our hearts and voices in a few more songs before Pastor Wes took us to Psalm 3:1-8.  This psalm was written by David as he was fleeing from his son, Absalom, who has seized power that rightfully still belongs to his father and who, over a period of time has curried favor with the people, even as he is leading them to believe that David no longer cares about his people and that he has also been abandoned by God.  So, David begins to pour out his soul to God regarding the threats he is facing from without and within and Pastor Wes assures us that we who belong to Him can do the same.  The threats may be different, but the effects are much the same and the enemy would like for us to panic, to feel abandoned by God and give up trusting Him.  But David does not respond to the threats by giving in to despair because of what people are saying.  He responds on the basis of who God has revealed Himself to be in the past----a faithful and true sovereign Father Who has a plan for our lives and for the restoration of our fellowship with Him.  Pastor Wes had much more to say about all this and you can see it on the Live-stream which is well worth your time to watch. Looking forward to 2024!

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