The End

Today being Junior's birthday, any end of year frivolity has taken second place ever since he appeared. When he was young it did not exist at all, and by the time he was packed off to bed after his birthday fun, us parents were ready for our bed(s) too. 

This year he has gone off to London with friends, so I have had the ultimate in quiet days. 

In the morning I drove over to Falkland to top up the groceries I had in the house. It was a beautiful morning, and one to be savoured after the recent weather. 

I got my Blip in the village carpark, spotting a wee cloud starting to form on the summit of East Lomond. The building is the village community hall and library. 

My first Extra is Falkland Palace, looking great in the sunshine. My second Extra is the contrasting scene at the farm shop, with that field being in perpetual shade at this time of year. 

My final Extra is last week's birthday girl. 

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