Glimpses of Me

By mimi128

CT Scan - er

Hey guys!!! I think I'm starting to get back to UK time now -- still up early hours, but getting there. I don't plan to snooze anytime this afternoon as will be having my CT scan so I think we'll be able to sleep tonight..

Kuala Lumpur International Airport and
Floating -- not the swans but me, haha!
So if you guys still have a bit of time, please do look back..

Heard mass at St Alban's today, and behold, the church was nearly full! On a Thursday!! Only because it's St Alban's Day, and it was full of children from school. It was great to hear the children singing church songs though.

We then went off the Doncaster to get some supplies and buy some notebooks on order by Mr M's niece back in the Philippines. CT Scan wasn't until 3PM today. It has been 5 months since the last chemo treatment so I'm hoping everything comes out favourably.

CT scan is not too bad if you're not claustrophobic. I was asked to drink about 1 litre of water, with the dye. Although it is colourless, it does show on CT scan as a transluscency. And then depending on which structure they want to visualize, they'd also inject you with another dye for contrast. It wasn't too bad but the thing I guess I would never get used to was the effect of the contrast injected, makes me feel warm all over, especially down "there" and makes one feel like I'm going to pee anytime in the next couple of seconds! But of course I never do! The feeling is just a bit disconcerting.. It went well, so I guess I'll have to wait another week for the results on my follow-up! So for those who pray -- please do remember me.. Thank You!

Although I did ask them if it would be ok to take a photo of the machine itself, apparently it wasn't allowed.. Oh well, instead, I got a shot from outside.. Not much patients anymore as it was the afternoon. I think I was next to the last. So y'all get a view of the corridor..

I'm back on my desktop now, so will be catching up with all your journals, just bear with me please..

Hugs and kisses to everyone!

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