Checking for danger?
S' brother P and his partner joined us for lunch on the deck. The sun was hot and bright, and the big umbrella provided good shade. When the wind picked up strength, and appeared to be circling around, the umbrella appeared less stable, and I put it down. Then the rain began again, so the dessert (cherries and chocolate) was eaten inside.
Late afternoon, after they had left, I went for a walk along the Lower Pipeline. I finish that walk on the streets, which was when a Tui flew across in front of me and perched in the flowers of a large Nikau Palm. It barely moved while I got a number of pleasing photos. It appeared to be ensuring that it wasn't being watched before going around the Nikau.
The last extra of the year shows a tangled mess of Supplejack. As a boy on my father's farm I would use a length of Supplejack to string up as a bow.
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