Let it snow

It snowed this morning and thawed this evening only to reveal treacherous black ice.
Even if we could get out, we could not guarantee our car would be able to make it up our steep hill. 
Better to be safe and hunker down with food drink and the telly, except we have been invited out to a party in Stirling.
How to tell our hostess?  Not to worry. She pre-empts my phone call and says they are cancelling the event.  They too are snowbound, and a friend has just had to abandon his car and walk.
They live two hundred metres from Stirling castle, so they get the full force of all the brutal weather now thrown at us.
We are expecting visitors tomorrow from Glasgow for Hogmanay. Let’s hope the trains are running.
On the other hand the snow makes the countryside look pretty , especially the garden. (See video).

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