twinned with trumpton


Waited in for the boiler repair man; so it seemed sensible to do OT whilst I was sitting about, waiting. 

I got a text saying they 'would be with me between 0825 - 0840' 

At 0850, I used the 'track your engineer' thingy and he was apparently 27 minutes away, on the city bypass at Dreghorn. 

Hey ho.

Inevitably he arrived with the part and it turned out that it wasn't the part that was needed; he re diagnosed the problem and I'm now booked in for 3 Jan. Considering the boiler was passed as fit in late November and first broke down on 30 November, it's not great to have no heating or hot water for over a month in the depths of winter....! (I do have an electric shower, but still.....)

After he'd left, I took Loki out and we walked up towards Morrisons and took a turn around the park before boarding a 22 into town and onwards to Her's where I logged back on and continued with the OT.

I logged off at  4; and took Loki squelching and slithering through the Meadows, gathering supplies as I went.

Then cooked a seafood stew sauce (She has her friend coming for dinner tomorrow and all She now has to do is add prawns, mussels, feta and spring onions whilst heating it all through as the rice cooks)

I did a creamy salmon pasta for our dinner, then took Loki back through the Meadows (now full of Torchlight Paraders - I got huckled by someone who chased me 98% of the way across a 'forbidden area' - I didn't hear them because of the U2 and Simple Minds being blasted out....)

We headed back by a different route and encountered a pipe band in the dark of Buccleuch Place who suddenly broke into Scotland the Brave; much to Loki's bemusement.

And nearer 10, I dodged through the remnants of the Torchlight thingy and home to a cold house. 

Still. 10 days off. Woo hoo

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