Up and out early so I could get to K’s and we could leave for a trip up to see Sa and So. From when we arrived til when we left just over four hours later we talked, drank cups of tea and coffee, talked, ate lunch, talked, looked round the house and talked some more. Got all the background on what’s happened since they moved in, how they altered the house, plans to now sell, mental health ups and downs, elder care, set design and etc….it rained most of the time so we didn’t venture outside, but good to catch up and to see the house before they leave there although next steps are very uncertain still. We were taken with the little model So had made for her Mum’s Christmas present….a replica of part of the sitting room with the distinctive paint effect on the wall, her armchair, knitting and cat, with pictures and books all exact replicas. She’d done the same for her Dad and sister….really clever.
Drove home again and I made T some supper and looked through some of the photos I’d sorted out last night before he went off to work, then chatted to A (having a few days’ respite at my flat with N) before settling down to watch Castaway. This last week we seem to have had quite a Tom Hanks film festival….! Call from Mt about plans for yet more house clearing at P’s place tomorrow, and I’ll move to K’s for the last couple of nights down here as Kt has her friends coming to stay over tomorrow for New Year’s Eve.
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