Bar Island from The Turrets

It starts
with a blank sheet,
an undanced floor,
air where no sound
erases the silence.
As soon as
you play the first note,
write down a word,
step onto the empty stage,
you've moved closer
to the creature inside.
a square
can end up as frog, cardinal,
mantis, or fish.
You can make
what you want,
do what you wish.

Origami, by Joyce Sutphen

Sometimes it's hard to take that first step because you're not sure where it will lead or even where you want to go exactly. It can be easier to stay put and just say no. Of course that presents risks too, and I've found you often have to let go of one life before the next will present itself. Someday I'll probably look back at this whole Blipfoto experience and think, "Gosh, remember all the time and energy I put into that? It seems so strange to me now." But I'm still glad I took on that initial goal of posting one photo each day for a year. Perhaps with a bit of good fortune I'll get through a fourth year, one step at a time.

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