Review...Phase 2!

Really crappy out there today, overcast, dreich etc., but at least i got the heater on over in the studio - it was only 2 degrees when i headed into town for some stuff, and now, having just spent a couple of hours (it got up to 10 degrees!) sorting stuff, i am feeling ready to get the wood stove on tomorrow and get stuck in!! 

I had such an interesting time, just looking thro all these paintings, which are just sort of sketches really, i basically went on my first urge - was there something there i liked or not!!!   Two piles were created and i will next time go thro the ones i liked and see what there is!  I know it looks like there are 3 piles....the pile closest has been divided - it's the pile of 'likes'.....just started sorting thro them again :)

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