I do like plants that

have pink and blue flowers  - like lungwort and comfrey.  But I’ve not noticed borage having pink flowers before - these two are adjacent.  Perhaps it’s the winter. Or the non stop rain. 
I was in the garden putting out bird food when I spotted these. Lots being eaten at the moment, and a wide range of visitors.  Tits - great, blue, long-tailed and coal. Robin, wren, blackcaps, dunnock, GSW, blackbirds (yellow and black beaks, which I think are European visitors?) and of course magpies and wood pigeons - crow has been visiting too. 
A funny thing - my Christmas visitor brought down with her a gift her lovely Russian neighbours had given - red caviar. Which neither of us wanted to eat.  So we gave a tiny bit to Portia the cat, who was not willing even to try it! Then  the last resort was to put some out for the birds, on the ground.  But even magpie and crow, who eat the most disgusting things including roadkill, won’t eat this. I feel really bad as it was a kindly given gift.  But I think it’s going to have to go in the food waste. 

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