
By scribbler

Dishing the Dirt

Theresa, a Franciscan Sister, at Taqueria Los Gorditos in the Pearl District.

In response to her religious vocation, Sr. Theresa ministers in Portland's Old Town, a place of more than ample dirt: the kind that gets under your fingernails and the kind that makes your soul grimy. Prostitutes, strip joints, drug dealers, pornography. This area is in the same zip code as the Pearl District. Together, they have the highest number of registered sex offenders in the city; as you might surmise, most of them are not living in the Pearl's fancy new hi-rise condo lofts. The neighborhood has a large population of homeless, drug and alcohol addicted, and mentally ill people. The subsidized housing center where Theresa works helps people get off the street, stay clean and sober, and take their meds. She works extremely hard and exhibits an inspiring amount of patience and tenderness. I wouldn't want her job, and I couldn't do her job.

As you can see from her thumbs-up, Theresa is also playful, cheerful, and feisty. Anybody who is seriously devoted to righting the ills of the world had better have those qualities, or they will be a real drag to spend time with. Time spent with Theresa is delightful and passes much too quickly.

We gathered today, as on past occasions, to share lunch and 'dish the dirt' on the one holy catholic and apostolic church. We chatted about our old parish, my new parish, our new pope, our new archbishop, the new liturgy, and lots of other things including women priests, married priests, and Blipfoto. I feel thankful for Theresa's vocation and for our friendship.

PLAYFUL (DDW challenge)
DIRTY (TerriG challenge)

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