It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Never Straight Forward…..

This is the time on my phones Home Screen……..I’m still up after my first shift back at the crap hole and Garri was driving my Mum back to Fort William. They set off at 2:30am and I got in bath and ….. a phone call ….and I thought “oh dear something is wrong!”
Mum was ringing saying “ we have a problem” My heart sank and I got very worried. My vehicle was losing power and juddering on the M6 ( it was either spark plugs, fuel injectors, fuel pump ) or anything to do with combustion! They had to come home. They’d been driving an hour! They were on m6 toll, so two times £8 odd had to be paid for it!
They limped home. Change luggage into Garris car etc a slurp of coffee and a snack and now they are heading back up to the m6. I feel so sorry for them. My vehicle has never let me down but she’s old and did the double journey only two weeks ago when mum came down.
Fingers crossed they have a hassle free journey this time. I can’t sleep as I’m so worried and wound up now.
I had to go and find all my breakdown papers etc. Thankfully they were not needed.
I doubt they will get to Fort William until the afternoon now.


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