Living my dream

By Mima

Midsummer phenomenon

For three weeks either side of the summer solstice the sun shines through the door of my truck just after dawn. 

In what I think of a proper summer I would be enjoying this phenomenon as I drink my coffee and write my diary each morning. 

However today was only the third time it’s been possible this year. It lasts a mere half hour and then the sun moves on.

This morning the sun moved on and promptly got lost behind clouds. For the rest of the day. And the *&#@+ mizzle reappeared after lunch. 

Fortunately I had indoor tasks : cauliflower, carrots, courgettes, peas and sugarsnaps to process into a curry for the freezer, and a stir fry for supper.

On the topic of the freezer, today was the day to defrost and clean the meat freezer. I clean the two chest freezers every other year: emptying one into the other at the start of summer when they have the least in them, and when it’s warm enough to make it a relatively quick job. 

As always there was a surprise when I got to the bottom of the freezer. I keep a list of what’s in there (of course I do!) but I have never written “Rabbit” on that list. I have no recollection of being given it. I’m not a big fan of rabbit and maybe it was meant to be dog food. Bean will love it. 

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