Imagine the view....

By btc

London Life: On the beach.....

...yes we have a sand beach here as well, although you have to wait for the tide to head out to find it.

I managed to upset a wedding photographer whilst taking these shots, he was high up on the Southbank shooting them from on high with the lovely background of a few barges, I suggested to the couple that a view with St Pauls in the background might look a bit more romantic, so off I went snapping away (I should sell them the shots). Although I do hope that her pose isn't a sign of things to come.

There some lots of interesting things happening on the Costa del Embankment this evening, this artist is always down there doing amazing stuff, this one took him about 8 hours, he must get annoyed when he sees the tide come in.

Finally I just wanted to say thanks for the lovely responses to my blip yesterday, it looks like it impacted on quite a few of you the same way it did me at the time. Thanks.

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