
Today we had lunch with A's mother and her two older brothers: aged 92, 95 and 98. Having grown up on a peasant farm in the Ardeche, and led healthy, active lives, they are all in pretty good physical condition. Sadly the younger of the brothers lost his wife a couple of years ago, and they didn't have children, so he's rather lonely. Thankfully he lives across the road from the baby of the family, who is in his mid 80's. A had to pick up both brothers and take them back, so we spent a couple of hours driving around the area south of the Isère river. 

When we got back, the cousin we saw the other night was chatting with A's mother. After she left we went a few kilometres down the road to visit her brother, his wife and three of their children, one of whom is A's godson. A neighbour - a mechanic who replaced the CV joint in our car many years ago - called in and between us we drank a bottle of champagne. Such is life here...

After supper, the four of us played a game of Rummikub and packed, rather than raise the stress level by answering the call from A's sister to come over to visit. We'll see her tomorrow before we leave...

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