talloplanic views

By Arell

Completely leathered

Once upon a time
Not so long ago
There was a lady and her name was Ms Arell
And she had a bicycle

There it is

It was a rather uncomfortable bicycle because the saddle was all wrong
You see, every saddle was a thing someone had finished with or hadn't used
And Arell had accepted to try
And brought home to Annie
Arell's bicycle Annie

The most Important
The most Used
The most Elderly
Battered old mountain bike in the whole wide world

That Brooks B17.N saddle I've had for years and tried ever so hard to like was, I have realised, completely the wrong shape for me and I shan't use it ever again.  By a series of coincidences however, I've acquired this non-narrow, slightly used, absolutely normal B17 version which I'm currently trying.  I did a few miles today to the shops and goodness me, what an improvement.  How did I not know to try this before?

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