Port and Stilton

The port bottle is a classic. Its shoulders are dusty from standing out in the utility room. I wanted that for the photo but I'm not sure that you can see it.

The layout of the room for Christmas impeded use of a tripod. I rested the camera on three books and used a high ISO of 1000 because I was sure I would shake the camera.

It's not turned out too badly especially with a rim light from the right and the Christmas tree behind.

The cheese stinks, but that's Stilton for you. I'll have to start eating it.

I managed to wrap a few presents before George arrived with Edward and William who stayed for an hour. They collected the pork for tomorrow and took the vegetables too. Apparently I'd said I'd buy them but I'd forgotten.

Another gloomy, rainy day although the sky began to clear at sunset.

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