Indoorsy type of day

The showers when they come are heavy and sleet laden but with a few dry and bright intervals.
I was given these lovely hyacinth for my birthday in early december and they have decided to come out now which is perfect as the Twixtmas period can feel especially dull after all the good food and wine and company.  We definitely feel very quiet today so it has been a good day to sort out the Turkey leftovers and boil up some stock with the remainder. Turkey sandwiches were a hit today (last chance) and I get lots of points for finising up lots of bits in the fridge and we can now see empty space in there!!  
I sent a large box of bits to daughter no2 who flew north yesterday.. their flight was delayed having been due to leave at 9.30 from Birmingham they walked into the flat at 1am in Edinburgh.. ugh, poor things.
The husbands cold goes on and on.. restless, rattly, coughing nights and explosive sneezes all day too.. yukk poor him. I don' t actually think he has the same as I had so just hoping not to go down with his afterwards. (I am drinking elderberry elixir like it is going out of fashion!)

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