one day in France

By Frenchtoast


Here we are at Les Carroz, and this is the view looking out of the patio doors on our balcony. Early this morning I drew the curtains back and there was a deer standing on the slope looking back at me!
This is the slope that leads back to the hotel, and as you can see it is quite steep and getting rather bare. My ski legs deserted me half way down as it was like skiing through porridge, and I was lucky to get to the bottom in one piece! 
Thank you all for the hearts and stars yesterday, it’s much appreciated. I was going to write more, but the wifi here isn’t brilliant and the photo wouldn’t upload until first thing this morning when nobody else was awake and using it!
One of my brothers has a chalet in this village, and I’m sure we’ll meet up with him at some point soon.

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