He Is A Dead Man!


What sort of bloody time is that to wake up your grandparents?
And then to refuse to go back to bed!

He is treading on very thin ice.

It is just as well he is cute and when he is good he is great fun.

It was nice (and still) this morning so I slapped the fisheye on the camera and headed to the front garden to shoot the foxgloves.
There is quite a difference between shooting them straight on and straight up.

In the afternoon the wee shite Cygnet had his haircut.
He is very good at sitting still to have it done. It probably helps that his hairdresser never uses electric clippers - just scissors, so there is no distracting noise.

After that he and I went for a walk and spent time throwing sticks and pine cones in the river.
He asked what this was. I hope I was right when I told him it was a cornflower (but it was about 3" diameter)

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