Testing the heated throw

Been trying out our heated throw present from my daughter. It's very furry and very warm.
No walk again today! Chucked down all morning and it was too late by the time it cleared up.
Got very little done today - must be the time of year, I cannot get motivated. Mind you, I've been unwell for a few days and today I've felt much better but still tired so had a nap on the settee this afternoon.
We had home-made turkey and veg soup again for tea. Not sure I want to eat any more turkey even though there's still a bit left!
When the kids were little our Christmas Day turkey lasted us up to and including New Years Eve. We did buy a big one off the market. I remember one year their dad had to cut off the legs before it would fit in our very large oven! Nowadays, people throw the turkey out as they seem to think it will be off after 3 days. No, I don't want to know what the "experts" say, I've been using up meat for a full week for five decades! No wonder people struggle to make ends meet (no pun intended) when they chuck out perfectly good food. Yes, we eat "use by" things one or two days after they "expire" too. Coleslaw, yoghurt, cream - it doesn't suddenly go off at a minute past midnight! When I was young I remember people cutting the mouldy parts off cheese and eating the rest. I don't suppose I am the only one to find half way through a sandwich that the bread is mouldy - not nice to see though - but I'm still here and didn't get any illness.
Food rant over, ha ha!

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