The full Moon (The Cold Moon)

as seen this morning through my bedroom window. at 8am It was so bright.

I missed a blip yesterday, it was so horrible i just couldn't find anything worth blipping.

Today was a bit better although very windy again but not as wet only odd showers.

We took the dog for a walk but where we went was so muddy we decided on another plan and walked on the old miniature railway track by the garden centre. 
It was an attraction when Saville Brothers ran the garden centre, the kids loved to ride round the track, through the wood and under the long tunnel. down the long stretch past the greenhouses and back into the centre, then they retired and Strikes took it over, and when asked if they were going to still run the train, do you know what they said had happened??? someone had stolen it!!  yes a flipping great miniature train big enough to pull several carriages, and it got stolen. Wow they must have had a big low loader to do that and right next to a busy main road. The cheek of some people, eh.
Anyhow Tanzy loved the walk as the embankment is full of rabbit holes and she was in her element.

Basically today was vac round and dust day, whilst awaiting a parcel which didn't come until  5pm

Yesterday we did a light shop for milk and dog food, it was pouring down, so got enough to see us through for a few days.

Awful for those poor people who had their houses wrecked by a mini tornado and those in the far north who are without power. The weather forecast doesn't sound too good for the next few days either

Thats it for today, hope you are all safe and sound.

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