Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


…Everywhere has pools and is squelchy (including our garden).

I bought myself some very smart waterproof boots before Christmas. (We’ve lived in a wet and squelchy place for over five years now. Never one to make a hasty expensive purchase I waited a long time for a suitable pair). I have worn them about three times. They’re bloomin’ lovely boots. A couple of ‘wears’ ago I trod on a very painful and jagged stone (or so I thought). We were with family, dog-walking, so I didn’t make a fuss, but limped on, as you do. I had also noticed there was a stone in them the last time I wore them but, again, before Christmas I was too busy to take a stone out of my shoe!
Limped on.

Today, however, on the more leisurely walk into town, I stopped to lean on a lamppost and tore the offending boot off to remove the stone nuisance. There was a massive nail penetrating right through the sole! Shame.
I see no option but to bin them.
I’ll have to see if I can find the same pair again.

It just goes to show what busy-ness can do to your brain, pain-wise..
As soon as I knew what the problem really was, every step was a challenge!
The psychology of pain eh?!

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