
…is often stimulated by boredom. Just as well really as we had a confined day indoors with dreadful wind and rain so we had to make amusements!
Started early stopping AR&Mx waking T early as he only got to bed at 3am and had to be up at 9 anyway to go back to work.
After that the day passed with some drawing of comics (AR teaching Mx how to construct them), making videos and editing/embellishing photos on my phone and iPad (lucky I had a device for each of them!) learning Spanish and Italian on Duolingo, and decorating some cupcakes. They watched some TV first thing and then later we started on the film of Lemony Snicket’s Tale of Unfortunate Events that A used to love and I think AR would also get hooked on.
At the end of the day nipped over to K’s to catch up and let them see her and exchange a few presents. They must be getting tired….Mx was very ungracious when he opened the book she gave him and ended up sitting hiding under the kitchen counter having a cry…hey ho, he’s probably had too much excitement the last few days!
Home and then Mt&H got back and told us all about their lovely time at the spa and we chatted about what we’d been doing and plans for the next few days before they set off home and I sat down with a cup of tea and some leftovers but quickly started to doze so had an early night.

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