12C high. Otherwise atrocious weather all day. High winds (50/60 mph gusts) and torrential rain. (Bournemouth beach/high waves on ITV 10pm news as I write)
Met friend 'J' at the Nici, Mr B had also arranged to meet 'C' & 'A' there at the same time (after they'd spent a few hours in the pool/spa with 2 free passes I'd given them).
Spent an enjoyable couple of hours. We declined the kind offer of a lift, preferring as always to walk back into town. Passed through the 'wet' Xmas market (blipped for BobsBlips Wide-on-Wednesday challenge "Weather with you") and popped into Tesco, before getting the bus back. .
Looks like high winds continue till Sunday, as do the mild temperatures.
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