Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Wide Wednesday - Rainy

A bleak, dreary, damp day and I was seriously thinking that I might break my 12 1/2 year streak...but then I got hold of myself.  I reminded myself that I now own a very nice little piece of glass that will do wide angle shots handily.  I convinced Hubs to accompany me (and Jax) over to the old Abby to take some wide shots.  It was only drizzling by that time so standing outside wasn't a threat to me or the gear.  And something about the dark and overcast skies lent a brooding air to the image that I quite like.  I did some tweaking in LR and changed the crop to make it wider - shot at 24 mm so plenty wide to start.  And rain to give a nod to the weather theme.

I've photographed this stately old heap many times and drive by it every time I go into town.  It's been abandoned for decades and the insides have been horribly vandalized.  We think it was recently sold although I can't imagine how anyone could convert it easily since it would need to be totally gutted right to the stone walls.  Time will tell.

It has been an otherwise quiet day.  We FT'd with mom and dad this morning - today is mom's 89th birthday!  Then I decided to undecorated the house and tree.  I've left the lights on the tree because I think I would like a few more days of Christmas lights.  

Hubs and I watched "It's a Wonderful Life" a wonderful old film from 1946 starring James Stewart and Donna Reed.  I wonder what we will watch tonight...

Dark with ginger today.  

And thanks to BobsBlips and Marlieske for hosting the Wide Wednesday and Derelict Sunday challenges (respectively). 


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