Christmas Day Cats


Bilbo and Loki's lovely family very kindly left us a gift to come home to on Christmas Eve and we were able to thank these two "in person" on Christmas evening! :)

Bilbo normally gets F* all to himself in the evenings and saw Loki as an unwelcome intruder for the attention so getting them both settled and re-assured that there's plenty of room for everyone took a good while!

Meanwhile, I'm just pleased I kept my little purple sofa so I've got somewhere to relax too!

*Christmas jumper from Prostate Cancer UK - I buy something every Christmas from them to support ongoing research as F is in recovery from this and each day we're grateful it was caught while he was young. 

It's still thought of as old man's disease along with the myth that it's something you die with, not of, but really all you boys over 40 could do worse than ask for a PSA test next time you're talking to your GP x

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