Lucky Sighting....

Our Tittesworth Resrvoir walk, sausage baps and a visit to the bird hide.

We were lucky to have 2 of these on the bird feeders at the bird hide too. I haven't seen a Bullfinch in years. We also had what could have been either a Marsh Tit or a Willow Tit. Having looked at the guides it's really quite difficult to tell them apart just from their plumage...

When we got home things started to go wrong. I got a call to say dads leg was causing concern and he needed to go into hospital to have it looked at. As it wasn't a life-threatening emergency we waited over 6 hours for hospital transport. So he was  taken in around 9pm. I followed about an hour later once he'd been processed. They'd looked at his wounds and redressed them, and were waiting for a doctor to assess him. At about 3am I decided I needed some sleep, and nothing more was going to happen, so I went home.....

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