Spring is coming

We had a quiet day today and went out for a walk around the neighbourhood after lunch. We saw a few signs of spring! We spotted 3 daffodils! It seems so early for them but a friend told us these are a December flowering type. Nevertheless it was lovely to see them. We also spotted this shrub in someone’s garden. It’s very unusual though I have seen it before as they have one at Hilliers Gardens. I think it’s this: https://www.crocus.co.uk/plants/_/edgeworthia-chrysantha/classid.2000010208/sku.PL30001848/?gbraid=0AAAAADohxrxEpGlLfVuzx6ECEVkeNtVxo&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhLz48I2ugwMVO5SDBx2EyQ1aEAQYBSABEgJJ4vD_BwE

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