Nadolig Tawel a Llawen

Nadolig Tawel a Llawen ~ A Quiet and Merry Christmas

td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.”
― Marcus Aurelius

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Cawson ni Nadolig tawel eleni - dim ond y tri ohonon ni, oherwydd bod Richard, Steph a theulu yn ymweld teulu Steph yn Farnham. Roedden ni wedi rhoi'r twrci i goginio dros nos felly doedd dim llawer o ffwdan am goginio yn y bore. Tra roedd y tatws, ysgewyll Brwsel ayyb yn coginio agoron ni ein hanrhegion. Mae rhaid i mi ddweud bod pawb wrth eu bodd gyda'r hyn a derbynyn nhw. Roedd llawer o Lego, fel arfer, setiau mawr a fach hefyd. Adeiladon ni rhai o'r setiau bach ac rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at adeiladu'r setiau mawr.

Derbyniais i set Lego Milwr ‘Nutcracker’. Am rhai rheswm (nad rwyf i'n deall) mae e wedi bod un o fy hoff symbol Nadolig i fi - byth ers gweld y bale, dybiwn i. Rydyn ni'n gweld llawer o Filwr ‘Nutcracker’ o gwmpas y dre dros y Nadolig. Roedd hwyl - a syml - i adeiladu ar ôl cinio (a cyn dechreuon ni bwyta eto yn y noswaith!)

Gwylion ni addasiad un dyn Simon Callow o ‘A Christmas Carol’ ar y teledu. Roedd e'n gynhyrchiad pwerus. Rydw i bob amser yn ffeindio fy hun yn meddwl bod gallai pobl newid os gwnaethon nhw sylweddoli bod roedden nhw fod 'Scrooge'. Rydw i'n meddwl bod rydyn ni angen mwy o ysbrydion i ymweld â phobl dros y Nadolig.

Rydw i'n gobeithio bod pawb wedi cael Nadolig hapus, a bydd ysbryd y Nadolig yn aros gyda nhw.

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We had a quiet Christmas this year - just the three of us, because Richard, Steph and family were visiting Steph's family in Farnham. We had put the turkey to cook overnight so there wasn't much fuss about cooking in the morning. While the potatoes, Brussels sprouts etc were cooking we opened our presents. I have to say that everyone was delighted with what they received. There was a lot of Lego, as usual, big and small sets too. We built some of the small sets and are looking forward to building the large sets.

I received a 'Nutcracker' Soldier Lego set. For some reason (that I don't understand) it has been one of my favorite Christmas symbols - ever since I saw the ballet, I think. We see a lot of Nutcracker Soldiers around town over Christmas. It was fun - and simple - to build after dinner (and before we started eating again in the evening!)

We watched Simon Callow's one-man adaptation of 'A Christmas Carol' on TV. It was a powerful production. I always find myself thinking that people could change if they realized they were 'Scrooge'. I think we need more spirits to visit people at Christmas.

I hope everyone had a happy Christmas, and that the Christmas spirit stays with them.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Milwr ‘Nutcracker’ yn gwarchod y caws
Description (English): 'Nutcracker' soldier guarding the cheese

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