Christmas Dinner

The boys got us up at 7 to come down and see if Santa had been. Thomas, who now has an Irish passport, got an Irish flag - his Dad is hoping he’ll maybe decide to support Ireland and not England at rugby. James was happy with his shin pads which had his name and team on. They 4 of them have played together all day.

Lunch was delicious. #2 daughter and I did the prep and cooking. We had roast pheasants, roast potatoes, roast parsnips and carrots, sprouts, gravy, sausages, bacon, red cabbage, bread sauce, cranberry and orange relish, gravy. We couldn’t face the pudding - maybe tomorrow.

Then we went off to the beach for a walk which was nice. Presents were exchanged. #2 daughter got me a beautiful book about German Expressionism and #3 gave me a DNA test kit which sounds intriguing.

Both daughters are full of cold - hopefully not passing it on. We’ve had a lovely family day which is what Christmas is for us. I hope you all have enjoyed it in whatever way you celebrate.

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