Cheesey Fam Pic!

Finally, we're here... Despite the miserable weather outside and the unfortunate lack of dinner guests, Christmas lunch has officially happened. I hope you all had the most amazing and fun filled Christmas and the waistlines haven't suffered too much (the Yule hole has been brought into play).

We started the day with a fun game of "hunting the sausage"... No, nothing naughty but we'd brought some particularly fine sausages for the pigs in blankets... could we find them? Eventually they were located - in the darkness of the back of the car boot... sadly they weren't going to find their way to the table. Break out the frozen!

The turkey was cooked to perfection, and the whole lot was delicious. You'll note I'm wearing the apron, which might be seen by some as trying to take credit... but it was Janet all the way - apart from the carving. I might have loaded my plate a little, but I refer you again to the Yule hole.

We missed Sheol and Cathy, of course. I hope you're feeling better today. After lunch the three of us played a few rounds of Monopoly Deal. And now, perhaps, there's room for pudding. And maybe a small digestif....

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