Time Travel

Often when I visit my mother, I take home something from her house that she can't / won't use anymore. A few weeks ago, it was a box with old, unused postcards and (I thought) Christmas cards. When I looked through the box at home, I found all kinds of art cards, not Christmas cards, with quite a lot of old photos mixed in - mostly of the garden, of me, and of the cats we had when I was still at university and living with my parents.

Lots of memories…

Here's one from spring 1989. Two of these cats were strays that had sheltered in our garden shed, about twelve years before this photo was taken. They both had kittens before we managed to catch them and take them to the vet to stop further multiplication. 

In this photo, we are all basking in the evening sunshine on the terrace. From left to right: Tiger, Moschele, me, Molly, Mieke and Leo. 

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