
By CharlotteJ

Lets moan......

About the weather! It's what we do us humid is it today! Urghhhh.......

All the slugs, snails and caterpillars are out....I don't mind slugs or snails but I loathe caterpillars and happen to have hundred eating some plants by my front door....note to self, avoid the plant!

Anyway, thank you so much for all your comments yesterday, Tess is very pleased you liked her blip take over!

Been a crackers week, but I think I am getting there. Yesterday and today have been fun, hint of sarcasm there! One of our guys went AWOL Monday afternoon.....we finally located him today. Sadly looks like I have a first stage disciplinary to undertake, oh the joys. Heyhum.
Busy day tomorrow but should be home about 3pm and then I can start the prep on my parents visit for the weekend.


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