Cafe Shanti

With the Girls out last night Brian and I decided we would go to a festive singalong at the local pub. I'm sure it was a great event for those who had been in there for the best part of the afternoon and were completely hammered and knew everyone else in there really well. But to stone cold sober me who only knew a few people by sight only it was grim! Add in the fact that it was ridiculously overcrowded with barely enough space to move and I decided I'd had enough half way through my second gin.

We ended up going to the newly refurbished and reopened Jolly Brewer on Broadgate instead. It was less heaving but we didn't think we'd stay long as there was no entertainment and it was a bit too quiet. One extreme to another.

But before we finished our drinks this guy came in and went to get ready to sing. He looked like the kind of guy Satan would kick out of hell for playing his metal music too loud so I was expecting my sort of music. 

Imagine my surprise when he started with a Frank Sinatra song, followed by Neil Diamond! But he had an amazing voice for this type of thing and was very entertaining. He did a couple of sets and we ended up staying until the end of the night. 

In retrospect it maybe was just a little unwise to drink quite so much the night before a day when I had a lot of Christmas food prep to do and plans to go out for lunch! I didn't get everything done that I had aimed to, more down to lack of fridge space than anything else!

For lunch we went to Cafe Shanti, a vegan cafe in town. The girls had been before but I hadn't. Everything was lovely though and they give you loads! It's beautiful in there too. We sat upstairs and this is the top of the stairs.

Once home I cracked on with the preparation to take some of the pressure off tomorrow.

Christmas is exhausting!

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