Evening Sky

As I had to finish sharp yesterday, I had a couple of things to finish off for work this morning.  As ever it probably took me a little longer than it should have done.  I got finished and turned off my laptop for two weeks, it was a good feeling.  I didn’t leave myself much time to get myself ready to go and meet a friend, so was running a little late.  I was exhausted, and not feeling quite one hundred percent but as it was fair and bright we went for a walk near her house, walking along an old railway track to a café and then back again. The café was busy, busier than I have ever seen it.  We had lovely cakes – mine was a tasty mince pie.  We then walked back and I headed back home. 
TT was just making toasties for lunch, so I placed my order.  After lunch BB wanted to go Christmas shopping, and wanted me to go with him.  He had an idea of what he wanted, and after a look around, he made his mind up quite quickly.   I also bought a gift for TT,  and a few other bits and pieces – so a good shopping trip.  We walked back home via the supermarket, as TT had asked me to pick up something for tea.
Later TT made tea, while I popped back out for something I had forgotten to buy.  As the evening went on, I was beginning to feel worse than in the morning, so  took some painkillers and had an early night.
There was a lovely sky as BB and I left the supermarket and made our way home.

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