Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Sultry Saturday

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Yesterday I kept Briar amused by watching "The Eras Tour" along with her. 

I maintain that I do not mind Taylor Swift. I do not have strong feelings about most of her music but that's only because I haven't heard much of it. However, I've been around Briar/Jess/April/Shenée enough to have been exposed to one or two songs and even LIKE some of them. 

Typically the darker, mean girl ones. I love the hair-flick drama of them. 

Briar was bored on Friday so we decided to watch it together and comment on it via Teams which kept our green blob on and made it look like we were working. 

ME: Why is her piano all mossy? She must be able to afford to get that cleaned.
BRIAR: Oooooh the Evermore era is really sad. You are going to need tissues*. 

Anyway. That was yesterday. Today I finished it off and I have to say, as a spectacle it was spectacular. Princess, you are going to have a GREAT time with your Princesses. You should all go dressed in "Red" era onesies. 

It was only at 1.30pm that my lovely wife emerged from the bedroom. She's actually a little bit unwell. We are not sure what it is but she's had an upset stomach for a few days now. She is not eating much and weighing herself often.

"I've lost TWO KILOS!" she said gleefully. While clutching her tum. 

So it's not good. I kept her spirits up by VPN-ing British tv all day. It's been a while so she got to enjoy lots of British crime shows and some episodes of Married At First Sight UK. I also popped out to get some essential supplies, so she had no need to leave CouchTellyLand all day. 

But it was so hot and sticky and rainy out there! I created a mini-ecosystem under my plastic mac and had to shower THOROUGHLY when I got home.

Still it was worth it. One of the essentials was baby wipes for Jasper who had been - um - "tobagganing" across the carpet. We hope he does not have a worm and that it was just poo he was unable to dislodge. 

Caro did the necessary and it occurred to me that maybe she inadvertently picked up her stomach bug off the carpet. 

Oooh look what you made me poo. Look what you made me poo. Look what you just made me poo. Look what you just made me poo. 

I am SO proud of how I have managed to tie those two themes of today's entry together. Look at that! Yay me.


* I did not. 

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