That Christmas Look....

.....'oh, and I haven't done the shopping! I couldn't cope!!'

That was the message Titch had just received from his partner, who sounded panicked, as he looked over the packed supermarket car park, enjoying a treat, and was relaxing.

Without hesitation Titch reassured his partner there was nothing to worry about and that he would sort it.

Titch did it, in a hectic day, was polite and courteous at all times, and got what he needed off the list, thanked all involved for helping him, and got home.

He gave his partner a massive hug, and said 'You are the most important thing, YOU are irreplaceable. This List...' he waved in her face 'matters NOT.'

'As it happens, I've got it all, and you know what we're going to do on the big day?'

His partner looked up at him crying ''Simple.' Said Titch 'Celebrate Life' and he gave his partner a huge hug, with reassurances it would be fine.

Christmas is not worth stressing over - and yes, I once worked in retail and have seen the madness that can happen there.

I wish to take this chance to wish you all a Happy And Peaceful Christmas :-)

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